How Old Does My Daughter Need to Be to Have an Easy Bake Oven

Visions of sugarplums danced in her head. My kids love my iPad and last year Emma, then Lily (too) became fascinated with an app, called Easy Bake Treats! for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

This app let my kids make, bake, decorate, eat and share yummy virtual cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and cake pops. Also now from what I recently saw (they still use this app), it apparently even allows them to make rockin' pizza, too.

All my kids have to do is to pick their mix, fill the pan with batter and water, mix it all together, choose an oven and slide the pan into the virtual EASY-BAKE Ultimate Oven to cook. One they are bakes and have been gotten out of the oven, then my kids are able to choose from an amazing number of delicious frostings and candy toppings or even pizza toppings to create their perfect virtual treat. Also, now they  can even  add candles to these cakes and cupcakes too! These candles can be lit and re-lit too for more fun, by blowing into your device or shaking the device to blow out your candles.

Such a cute app seriously and truly brought back memories for me.  I never did get an Easy Bake Oven, when I was a kid, because my mom honestly didn't think it was worth the money and swore that we could back better in her oven.  Didn't stop me from wanting one though and secretly was envious of some of my friends back then that had one.

So, of course, the app allows advertisements in it for the real Easy Bake Oven.  Emma saw it before last Christmas and even told Santa at the mall that she wanted one from him for Christmas.

So what is a mom to do, when Santa is brought into the equation?

Well, this mom caved and found it on sale at Target (seriously I love this store and didn't surprise me I found it there).  So, I totally bought it and wrapped, too for her.  On Christmas morning, it was there waiting under on the tree to be unwrapped by both my girls.

The Girls Opening Up the Easy Bake Oven Last Christmas!

The Girls Opening Up the Easy Bake Oven Last Christmas!

I remember how excited Emma was.  She couldn't wait to open up her oven and bake something for real.  I quietly was dying to know how these treats would turn out being I indeed never had this toy growing up, but yes was still somewhere deep down wanting to use it, too.

Emma Sampling the First Easy Bake Oven Red Velvet, Pink Iced Cupcake!

Emma Sampling the First Easy Bake Oven Red Velvet, Pink Iced Cupcake! (Sorry it is a Blurry iPhone photo)

Christmas Day, we went to my in-laws, but that night she looked at me with her big, blue-gray eyes and I couldn't resist.  We tore in that box and set up the oven together (not sure who was more excited).

From there, we followed the instructions and made the red velvet cupcakes.  Of course, they had to be iced pink with sprinkles (she is so my child, because most know I still love the color pink)!

Emma, got to try the first cupcake and declared it a success.

The Finished Product-Red Velvet, Pink Iced Cupcakes!

The Finished Product-Red Velvet, Pink Iced Cupcakes!

With another Christmas around the corner, I am not sure what will be the toy(s) to be longed for by my girls, but I still say you can't go wrong withe Easy Bake Oven, which is a true classic (both Emma and agree whole heartedly).

If you don't believe me, take a look at the infographic, that Easy Bake Oven has allowed me to share with all of you now.  Can you believe they just celebrated 50 years!



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Janine is a published author of the books, The Mother of All Meltdowns and Only Trollops Shave Above the Knee. She has been featured on The Huffington Post, Mamapedia, Today Parenting Team and SheKnows. She also runs her own graphic design company at J9 Designs.

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